Partner Stories: July 2024


Yenet Ministries

When we can, we bring a short-term team alongside our global partners to help them further their mission. Recently, we traveled to Pagirinya Refugee Settlement to partner with Yenet in hosting women’s workshops, and pastor’s gatherings, visited local schools to open doors for future ministry and worked with students through Yenet’s sports ministry.

Reflecting on the trip, participants share:

“Their unwavering trust in God, even in the face of such adversity, showed me what true faith looks like.”
- Denise

“Despite being in a situation that seems devoid of worldly hope, these pastors remain committed to loving Jesus and guiding others to place their hope in Him.”
- Jason

Read more and view photos from the trip with Yenet here and see what opportunities opened up following our time with them below.

Read more from Yenet:


Ever on Mission (EOM)

After finishing our time with Yenet In Pagirinya Refugee Settlement, we transitioned to Busia, outside Koboko, to work with another Known partner, Ever on Mission (EOM). During our time with EOM, we helped share the gospel in the community, joined them in worship and teaching on Sunday, and helped train leaders of the network churches.

Before we left, leaders expressed their appreciation and asked if it was possible to be a part of the work of EOM. They caught the vision to reach their community (and beyond) with the gospel.

Reflecting on the trip, participants share:

“It encouraged and at the same time challenged me to pray for that same hunger in my life.” 
- Cole

“I thought I knew hope but turns out I had to go halfway across the world to truly grasp the depths of it.”
- Jacque

Read more and view photos from the time with EOM here.

Interested in joining us on the next trip? Let us know here.

Read more from Ever on Mission:


Ibsa Abdia Ministries and Community Network Ministries (CNM)

On this latest field visit, the timing and location of our partners allowed us to gather multiple partners together at one time. We’ve been working on some ideas on how to develop more of a cohort model to provide opportunities for partners to encourage and challenge one another in their ministry efforts.

Partners were able to share about their ministries and fellow leaders were able to ask pointed questions that yielded greater clarity in their context. Insights and ideas were shared by leaders more familiar with their context.

Read more about the collaboration here.

Read more from Ibsa Abdia
Read more from Community Network Ministries

Ecclesia Ministries (EM)

Paul* of Ecclesia Ministries shares an update following a recent trip to share the gospel and encourage leaders:

“It has been three months since I came back from JM* after distributing 3,000 copies of the Bible and many other evangelical materials including SD cards that contain the Jesus Film, biblical stories and teachings, messengers, radios, and projectors. All these materials and the great efforts that leaders on the ground are making have had a great impact as we hear stories and testimonies.”  

Here are just a few of those stories:

Read more from Ecclesia:

*Names altered to protect the identity of those working in areas of increased persecution. 


Standing Strong


Amazing Progress