A journey of faith, love, humility, and unexpected blessings.
We are partnering with Yenet to bring hope.
When we can, we bring a short-term team alongside our global partners to help them further their mission. Recently, we traveled to Pagirinya Refugee Settlement to partner with Yenet in hosting women’s workshops, and pastor’s gatherings, visited local schools to open doors for future ministry, and worked with students through Yenet’s sports ministry.
Every day, the women met to encourage and challenge one another. Some topics addressed were: praying when it is hard, multi-generational discipleship, faith in difficult times, and daily living out your faith. In addition to our team, about 45 women attended the workshops, and 6 professed faith in Jesus throughout the 4 days.
We were able to encourage 15 pastors and church leaders who minister throughout the Settlement. Much of our time was spent creating a space for them to tell their stories (many who shared for the first time in this group). This was the first time they gathered as a group of pastors hosted in each other’s homes. Men and women, both experienced and just starting out, were together spurring one another on. “I thought I was the only one who experienced that!” was often heard during our gatherings. They voiced that they wanted to commit to meeting regularly to continue encouraging each other.
Every afternoon, time was spent with about 30 student-athletes in a time of discipleship and answering the many questions they had about faith and faith in action. This time was followed by a time of sport - usually playing soccer. They invited our inexperienced team to play with them in a friendly game. Milton invests in these students, building bridges for the gospel and hope only found in Christ.
While the women facilitated workshops each morning, the guys headed over to the primary and secondary schools in the Settlement. The goal was to introduce the gospel and pave the way for Yenet to return and begin some school ministry outreach. Conservatively, we shared with 7,000 primary and 1,700 secondary school students in just 4 school campuses. Classrooms were so packed, that students would have to walk over desks to get from the front to the back of the room.
Unexpectedly, we reconnected with a ministry friend who served as a host back in 2009. We had lost contact over the years. He serves in a leadership role with the pastors in the Settlement. He recently began a prison ministry outreach and invited us to join him. So, a small group of us went with him to a work camp prison where we shared with about 20 inmates (the rest were out working in the fields). 6 men either made a profession of faith or a rededication that morning. We are praying about how we might come alongside this ministry opportunity.
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From the team:
More photos from the trip: