On Mission Together

A united effort.

Ever on Mission (EOM) recently hosted a gathering in Busia to strengthen the network among the evangelical churches in the Busia area. EOM is extending its network to other evangelical churches that desire to work together in the Mission of God.

Taban reports:

“We had a wonderful assembly of 5 different evangelical denominations in Busia. The purpose of this gathering was to unite the leaders of these denominations for a time of leadership development, unity in mission, and a time of cooperation. The churches present represented:

  • The Free Charismatic Church in Africa

  • The Sudan Pentecostal Church

  • Evangelical Church of South Sudan

  • The Church of God

  • Zion Baptist Church Busia and 

  • The Ever On Mission team members

Our EOM team shared a vision for unity and establishing new churches in unreached and underserved areas. This has been the first time these denominations came together like this. 

We organized the participants for a time of development according to the different leadership/ministry positions held in the church.

  • Office bearers (strategic leadership, shepherds, and servant leadership)

  • Men (godly manhood)

  • Women (being a godly woman)

  • Youth (growing in godliness)

  • Children leaders (raising children biblically in the church)

Following our gathering, we showed the Jesus Film in the evening to the community and again the next night with a great reception.

Please continue to pray for unity in purpose as we come together to advance the gospel.”

Photos from the gathering:


Milton Shares about Yenet


Extending the Network