Learning from One Another

Global partners encourage and challenge one another as we discuss ministry challenges.

On a recent trip, I had the opportunity to sit down with 6 of our African global partners. The goal for every field visit is to hear in person the joys and concerns of our partners, to train and challenge each other, and of course to pray together.

On this particular field visit, the timing and location of our partners allowed me to gather multiple partners together at one time. We’ve been working on some ideas on how to develop more of a cohort model to provide opportunities for partners to encourage and challenge one another in their ministry efforts. These times were received with great enthusiasm. Partners were able to share about the ministries and fellow leaders were able to ask pointed questions that yielded greater clarity in their context. Insights and ideas were shared by leaders more familiar with their context.

The overwhelming request was to facilitate more of these partner meetings. An annual retreat where they can learn and grow from like-minded leaders was also suggested.

Thank you for helping to make these gatherings possible through your support. If you are not yet a partner, consider becoming a Known partner today!

Interested in helping to support more of these cohort gatherings or even an annual retreat? Let us know.


They caught the vision to live on mission.


A journey of faith, love, humility, and unexpected blessings.