Partner Stories: May 2024


Yenet Ministries

Yenet has been busy this past month promoting the ministry and inviting individuals and churches to partner with them to reach women and young people with the hope of the gospel.

During a vision meeting in Uganda, Milton shares, “The purpose of the meeting was to invite denomination leaders within the refugee and urban communities to introduce Yenet and begin to collectively envision a plan to work together to share the gospel and make disciples in our communities. During the meeting, we discussed who Yenet is and what we do, as well as opportunities and our desire for collaboration.”

Milton has also been traveling around the U.S. to share about Known and their partnership with Yenet.

“We are praying for more partnerships to join us in our mission to provide opportunities for South Sudanese refugees to encounter Jesus, find hope, and rebuild their lives.

Read more from Yenet:


Ibsa Abdia Ministries

For Shadrach* and Ibsa Abdia Ministries, ministry is difficult and often discouraging. He shares that during leadership meetings, they take time to support one another.

“We always include a time of encouragement. Ministry is so challenging. In our context, having a strong family unit is a great witness. We want to ensure all our families are thriving and we join together to encourage one another.”

Read more from Ibsa Abdia:


Community Network Ministries

Ministry leader, Lual was away from the network of churches this past month as he completes his training in biblical studies. But ministry continued in his absence. The youth at his church assembled and conducted an evangelistic outreach in their community.

Read more from CNM:


Ever on Mission

Ever on Mission (EOM) recently hosted a gathering in Busia to strengthen the network among the evangelical churches in the Busia area. Taban reports:

“We had a wonderful assembly of 5 different evangelical denominations in Busia. The purpose of this gathering was to unite the leaders of these denominations for a time of leadership development, unity in mission, and a time of cooperation.

Read more from CNM:


Ecclesia Ministries

Paul* recently returned from a campaign to share the gospel and distribute resources. He faced some challenging situations as he advanced the gospel. You won’t want to miss reading his story.

He shares:

“The door for the gospel has become too wide for them to close. I thank God for the great work that he is doing in the darkness.”

Read more from Ecclesia:

*Names altered to protect the identity of those working in areas of increased persecution. 


A Global Family


Light in the Darkness