Reaching Our Community

We support one another as we reach out to our community.

Each month home fellowship leaders who belong to the Ibsa Abdia network gather together for a time of fellowship, equipping, encouraging, and helping each other work on their strategies. 

Shadrach* shares about their latest gathering,

“We gather to share a simple meal of rice and beef pilau, tea and bread. We go around and each leader shares a brief update from their home fellowship and ideas for a way forward to reach his community. Some ideas shared this month include:

  • deepening relationships with friends and family to win the opportunity to share the gospel with them,

  • visiting the sick,

  • passing out audio Bibles if someone is open,

  • and sharing the Jesus Film inside someone’s home.

Each idea is presented and discussed among the group for feedback. 

We always include a time of encouragement. Ministry is so challenging. In our context, having a strong family unit is a great witness. We want to ensure all our families are thriving and we join together to encourage one another.

We will end our time with one member sharing a short devotion from something God has placed on his or her heart. This time, my wife shared from Psalm 123 and how God uses difficult times now to prepare us.”

*Names altered to protect the identity of those working in areas of increased persecution. 


Light in the Darkness


Milton Shares about Yenet