Yenet Shares Their Vision
An introduction to Yenet.
This past Saturday, 26 church leaders and pastors representing five denomination backgrounds from five refugee camps and the Adjumani Town Council attended a Pastor’s Envision Meeting hosted by global partner, Yenet.
Milton shares, “The purpose of the meeting was to invite denomination leaders within the refugee and urban communities to introduce Yenet and begin to collectively envision a plan to work together to share the gospel and make disciples in our communities. During the meeting, we discussed who Yenet is and what we do, as well as opportunities and our desire for collaboration.”
The vision meeting was a success. Pastors and church leaders expressed gratitude to Yenet for hosting the meeting and providing the opportunity to partner and collaborate in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ within both the refugee and host communities.
“We concluded the meeting with anticipation for future endeavors and a time of prayer for Yenet's success and continued impact,” said Milton.
Praises for Yenet:
Pastor David Dend, World Outreach Church, Ayilo I Refugee Settlement
“I thank Yenet for uniting and bringing all denominations together to work as one body. The challenges our people are facing are indeed real, and the work of the Church is critical at this time. However, as a church, we also encounter numerous challenges. We are enthusiastic about partnering and working together with Yenet to confront these challenges and to bring the gospel and the hope of Jesus to our people. We are praying for Yenet's growth and for it to accomplish great things for God's people, both here in Uganda among refugees and back home in South Sudan.”
Moriku Joyce, Pentecostal Assemblies of God, Adjumani Town Council
“We welcome Yenet with all our hearts, and we want to thank God for the founders for being obedient to the call of God in their lives. The women and the youth are the most affected by the impact of the war. We are ready to partner with Yenet to share the gospel and make disciples in the camps but also give them the skills they need to start a business for themselves so that they can provide for their families. The food ration will never be enough. We are praying for God to provide for Yenet to do its work in this region and beyond.”
David Oleyo, Presbyterian Church, Borili Refugee Camp
“I would like to thank Yenet for inviting us to the Envisioning Meeting and discussing how we can collaborate to make disciples in the camps. Our people are going through a lot, but we believe the Church holds the answers to most, if not all, of these challenges. We pray that Yenet will support us in reaching our people. Yenet will remain in our daily prayers.”
More photos from the gathering: