Meet Shadrach*

Burdened to reach his Muslim community, Shadrach leads Ibsa Abdia, a network of house churches in rural Kenya.

Born and raised in a strong Muslim family, Shadrach knows firsthand that following Jesus comes with a cost.

“When I became a follower of Jesus, I was kicked out of my home and my parents refused to pay for my school fees. I ended up staying with a friend, but began to be persecuted when they found out I was a Christian.” he shares.

Paying his own way through school to become a teacher, Shadrach met a woman from central Kenya who encouraged him to attend Bible College. With a burden to see his home reached with the gospel, he decided to return home in 2011.

“When I returned, my parents finally accepted me back and I began to reach out to a few young men. Our fellowship grew to five people and we began a church fellowship in my house.”

Persecution came a few years later, but that hasn’t stopped the gospel from spreading.

“Along with two other leaders, we now have over 50 Muslim-background believers in nine house fellowships across nine villages,” he shares.

While often meeting in secret for fear of being exposed to more persecution, Shadrach shares that it’s through building relationships that the door to the gospel is being opened.

“We build trust and find an opportunity to share the gospel. We are a pastoral community and depend on farming and raising livestock. A community farm plot provides me the opportunity to get to know people and sometimes share the gospel.”

At home and beyond

With a burden to reach Muslims beyond his village, Shadrach began traveling to a nearby region that is known for being hostile to the gospel.

“I have a vision to preach Christ among the Muslim community. I hope to see over 100 Muslims come to Christ in the next two years.”

Pray with Shadrach as they:

  • Multiply house fellowships while keeping them small to minimize persecution.

  • Continue missional outreach to nearby areas hostile to the gospel.

  • Meet regularly to minimize isolation and encourage one another 

  • Support young believers and house fellowships through income-generating projects. 

*Names altered to protect the identity of those in persecuted areas


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