Reconciliation and brotherly love.

The school is a reminder of the reconciled relationship we have with God.

Reconciliation and brotherly love are important in Shadrach’s* community. Elders gather under a special tree referred to as Koreçça Tree and hold peace and reconciliation meetings.

Ibsa Abdi Ministries has formed a Christian school and has named it Koreçça Academy, after this meeting place. It points as a reminder of the reconciled relationship we have with God through Christ.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ
forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

Shadrach shares, “We started this school work by faith. Through it, we get opportunities to share the Word of God with the kids and parents. This four-room structure holds nearly 100 preschool and grade 1-3 students. Students are served a morning snack and a lunch of rice and beans. We need more teachers. We pray that we continue to offer solid education and the light of the gospel in our predominately Muslim community. We ask that you stand with us as we serve the community.

*Names altered to protect the identity of those working in areas of increased persecution. 


Love changed his heart.


Experiencing God’s love.