Multiplying rapidly.

The EOM network extends to include other churches.

Taban shares about our recent visit and partnership in gospel outreach with Ever On Mission. He also shares a little about the growth of the ministry and future plans:

“Our recent mission activity continued with the goal of strengthening Providence Baptist Church and the four other Evangelical churches in Busia. Ever On Mission (EOM) extended the network to other churches in Busia because they also felt the need to work together in the Mission of God.

For our teaching time, we divided the leaders according to the local church ministries - youth leaders together, women’s leaders together, and so on. Some of the areas we taught on included: a focus on the mission of the church, the Christian family as a unit of furthering the gospel, purity among youth, and nurturing godly children.

With the visiting team from the US, we also went for evangelism and Sunday service with the Lord's Table the following day.  While interpreting for our guests during our time of evangelism, we also learned the message brought by the visitors. On Sunday, this was the first time for different local churches to commune at the Lord's Table all on the same day.

Later, the four Evangelical churches joined to witness the water baptism of five new converts at Providence Baptist Church. This trip also exposed us more to the local authorities giving us the ground to continue missions without hesitation from local governing leaders.

Each evening, we held our organizational meetings throughout the conference. Our time together was taken by group Bible sessions, discipleship meetings, mini-business meetings, praises and prayer meetings, prayer walks, and continuous learning from one another. Every member of our team was encouraged to actively disciple other new believers and invite them to be part of the activities.

Ever On Mission is multiplying rapidly. We have strengthened about ten local churches both in Busia and the refugee settlements. We also have beginnings in the DRC and South Sudan. The local churches in those areas are satisfied by the activities of Ever On Mission and have been calling for intensification of the activities. What brings joy to us as a ministry team is the growth of both our members and those of these churches. The pastors have shown an increasing desire to be part of Ever On Mission because of how we carry out ministry.

Because of our growth, it is important that later this year EOM will have an end-of-year meeting to focus on three things:

  • an evaluation of the year

  • a time of strategic planning for 2025

  • and an anniversary celebration of Ever On Mission

Please join us in prayer as our ministry opportunities expand.

Prayer requests:

The Bible reminds us to pray for one another as a team for a fruitful ministry both personally and as a collective body.

  • Pray for every team member to have a continuous desire for the Word of God for spiritual growth.

  • Pray for every member of the team to be obedient to God and the scriptures.

  • Pay that God continuously keeps us in His holiness for effective ministry.

  • Pay that God strengthens us as we yield to the Fruit of the Spirit.

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