Christmas Celebrations

We wanted to give a small glimpse into how a few of our partners celebrated Christmas this year.

We all have our favorite Christmas traditions. Hear some familiar and unique ways Christmas is celebrated among our partners.

David in South Sudan recounts:

“We suspended the larger celebration due to the numerous financial demands our church is facing (the roof on their structure collapsed this past year). 

We only had a candlestick night celebration with praise songs and dance, and it was marvelous. 

On the morning of 1 January, our children and youth entertained us with a sweet presentation, and we finished our time with holy communion. The service lasted for five hours.”

Shadrach’s* family and church community took an opportunity to reach out to their neighbors in a unique way:

“We celebrated Christmas well in our villages and with the community. This community is Muslim but they are receptive to the gospel. Christmas night and the days following, we got an opportunity to show the Jesus film in 4 villages. People agreed to watch and there were so many questions concerning the film. We were privileged to answer them. This time so many people heard the gospel! We continue to follow up with them. Thanks for the prayers and support.”

Paul* celebrated with fellow refugees as they recalled all they were thankful for and performed dramas: 

“In the picture above, children are preparing to role-play the account of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We celebrated Christmas this year by coming together, eating together, and exchanging little gifts together (usually a new set of clothes).”

*Names altered to protect the identity of those working in areas of increased persecution. 


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