Still Reaching the Unreached 10 Years Later

10 Years. 15 Churches. 23 Leaders. New Frontiers.

Community Network Ministries’ (CNM) vision is to provide greater access to the gospel throughout Sudan and South Sudan. We partner alongside David and CNM in helping them fulfill this vision.

Recently, the church David helped establish celebrated it’s 10th anniversary. These past 10 years, this church has helped to start 14 additional church plants with three to four thousand church members in these churches. Many of the pastors and church leaders from these daughter churches gathered for this milestone celebration.

They are far from done. Their vision extends far beyond where they have been able to reach to date.

David shared with us that there was an unreached nomadic people that had set up camp not too far from them. After the celebration, he wanted to visit them to begin building a friendship with the leaders and possibly show the Jesus Film to them. When he arrived, the people were already scattered to their homes, so no film during that visit. He told them they would come again in a few weeks. He did begin a friendship with one of the leaders and his son who taught him a few phrases in their language.


Christmas Celebrations


Raising a Generation of Hope