Investing in the Next Generation

Investing in the youth of the church.

Young people outnumber adults in many of David Lual’s churches. He shares the importance of investing in this upcoming generation.

“This week, I organized a youth conference that lasted for half a day. We started at 2 pm and concluded at 7 pm. In my teaching, I focused on the idea of being set apart; drawing inspiration from 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. I emphasized how the Thessalonians turned away from idol worship and embraced a relationship with the living God.

Additionally, I addressed the topic of dating, referring to Song of Songs 2:7. It is worth mentioning that the youth make up two-thirds of our church congregation, which has motivated me to teach them about the importance of purity.

I also met with church leaders and provided them with instruction on the church's responsibility to make disciples of all nations. I emphasized that our spiritual well-being is dependent on reaching out to others. Lastly, we had a productive meeting where each group presented their reports. Towards the end, the members of the larger church requested that I teach them how to make disciples, expressing their willingness to actively participate in this endeavor.”


A journey of faith, love, humility, and unexpected blessings.


A Journey of Encouragement