Sharing Jesus in our neighborhood, communities, and to all the world.

3rd generation churches

A few months back, at a pastor’s summit, Community Network Ministries (CNM) leader David challenged all network churches to continue reaching their areas with the gospel by starting a new outreach point in neighboring communities. For CNM, outreach points are small group Bible studies with less than 30 people in attendance that focus on teaching the basics of the Christian faith and are committed to actively sharing the gospel with people in their communities.

Just this past month, four of these outreach points transitioned to be recognized as churches. All have increased in size to 30-50 baptized adults, and have a clear understanding of the gospel and repentance. Three of the four churches are 3rd generation churches (2 gen from the mother church). The fourth is a 2nd generation church.

In just 11 years since the anniversary of CNM planting its first church, they have helped to start 19 churches now. They don’t just start churches but pass along this church-planting DNA to the churches they start!

“Our vision is to share Jesus in our neighborhood, communities, and to all the world,” shares Lual.

Photos of the new church plants:


A new faith family.


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