Filled with Meaning

A warm homecoming.

David Lual with Community Network Ministries (CNM) has been away from home this past month to finish one more term toward completing his bachelor’s degree in biblical studies.

Lual shares:

“This term I studied theological education by extensions (TEE). This study has motivated my desire to establish a theological school in my area because unschooled pastors lead the churches here. I also studied advanced church planting this term. As a church catalyst, I believe it will help me support church leaders in advancing the gospel. In my final term, I will research and study world civilizations.”

Upon returning home, his church wanted to express how much they had missed him for being away and their love and honor towards him.

Lual explained:

“The ceremony is packed with symbolism. The wreath symbolizes love and the bed sheets worn by all the leaders symbolize unity and oneness. Missing from the photo is a crown which was given to me. This is given to a leader as a symbol of authority but can imply different meanings if given to a bridegroom or a visitor.

These items have special meanings. It was meaningful to me to be so honored.”

Photos from the celebration:


Partner Stories: June 2024


A Hunger for the Truth