Evergreen • Book 1 • week 7
3-Word Testimony
Example 1:
Enlightened: I was a good kid, trusting in what my parents told me was the truth. On a trip abroad in high school, a friend asked me a haunting question: what if your dad is wrong? I was shaken because I had heard the gospel, but the gospel hadn't truly laid hold of me.
Enlivened: I believe I was enlivened by the Gospel as a result of my younger brother's death -- killed in a car wreck, and I was for the first time, face to face with the brutal reality of death, that I too would one day stand in need of the gospel. That was when I truly trusted my life to Christ.
Transformation: My transformation began particularly in terms of my relationships and my overall posture toward sin. But the greatest change began when I understood that Jesus wanted me to walk with him, love him, learn from him and then teach others to do the same.
Example 2:
Desperate: I was a broken and desperate young mom, completely overwhelmed with the pressures of trying to raise 3 boys 5 and under. Survival mode was the name of the game for lots of those years with littles.
Dawning: It took a while for me to fully understand the gospel & surrender my life to Jesus. I was still desperate, but now it was a desperation to learn about him and walk with him well. He drew me the closest to himself after I had a devastating diagnosis. That combined with going through Evergreen, helped me to connect the dots and understand his deep love for me.
Delight: Knowing that I am a treasured child of God and that I don’t have to perform for my position with him has delighted my heart and made me desperate yet again, except now I’m desperate for others to know this kind of freedom and abundance.
Example 3:
Everything: Before salvation, like with most people, everything I considered important involved things that benefitted me or served my personal agenda. Essentially, EVERYTHING was about me.
Something: The problem with EVERYTHING always being about you, is that inevitably you will feel this deep sense of emptiness and starvation for something more. Jesus became my SOMETHING. Accepting Jesus as my Savior taught me how to see life differently. I was able to see past myself and experience life in a whole different way.
Nothing: Fast forward to today. Married. Three Sons. Job. House. I should feel like I'm all set. Like I have EVERYTHING. But what do I profit if I gain all these things and lose my soul? The loss of my Dad meant the loss of my compass. Then I lost my Mom. A deeper sadness that challenged and shook my soul. I never lost faith in God. I just needed to be reminded of His faithfulness in all times.
Example 4:
Empty: Before surrendering my life to Jesus, I was in constant pursuit of something to fill a void that robbed me of joy, purpose, and identity. I attempted to achieve perfection through my performance in school and other activities, eagerly sought status and recognition, and developed addictions that left me feeling ashamed in isolation--all while performatively following the religious routines I had been taught to follow.
Awakened: The first time I was introduced to the entirety of the gospel was during my sophomore year of college, and I initially had a difficult time grasping it due to my pride and limited understanding of grace. It wasn't until I became "awakened" to the depth of my sin and brokenness in contrast to the inexplicable height of God's mercy and forgiveness paid for me through the cross that I accepted Jesus as my Savior and surrendered myself to him. (Ephesians 2:1-9)
Reconstructed: Since surrendering my life to Jesus, God has been at work within me to uproot the footholds of my past, rebuild, and remind me of the identity and strength I find only in him. The journey of living a life surrendered to Jesus has certainly had its challenges (especially in times of temptation and lack of understanding), but I've found these moments to bring me even closer to God and the peace, joy, and hope only he can provide.
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