The Church Facing Persecution

The Church in Zalingei Is Attacked.

We partner with Silas* and Ecclesia Ministries (formerly Community Transformation Ministries) in western Sudan. He shares an urgent prayer request and events surrounding an attack.

The Church in Zalingei was brutally attacked about 1 am on Wednesday while everyone was sleeping. Unknown gunmen arrived at the church compound kicking in the doors, shouting. “Allahu-Ackbar!” (Great is Allah!). They began firing saying, “We shall kill all the infidels today!”

Just the day before, six former Muslims gave their lives to Christ and repented of their sins, saying how deeply sorry for the life they have lived without Christ. This prompted many others in the church to confess their sin and vow to serve God with their entire lives.

Tada*, a Bible school student, was able to flee from the compound. He came to me traumatized. We prayed which helped him to calm down. Then I asked him what had happened.

He said, “I was sleeping and dreaming that someone wanted to take off my blanket. I woke up and went out to the restroom. As I was coming back, I met a young boy called Nazir* who asked me not to close the door for he also wanted to go to the shelter. He went to the shelter and as he came back into the room, he saw people with guns. Nazir shouted loudly and woke the other students who were sleeping. I was hiding near the door. The intruders shot at me three times but none of the bullets hit me. I managed to escape. I went to Hani’s* home (church caretaker) and I woke her up. I asked her to come with me because I knew people would not open the door at that time of night not knowing me well.”

Then I (Silas*) immediately called Pastor Barak* (associate pastor) to check on everyone. As soon as he answered the phone, I could hear loud singing in the background. “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back,” they sang.

I asked him, "What happened?”

Barak told me unknown gunmen came onto the church compound and attacked all the four living room doors by kicking them in and destroying them. “They shouted, ‘Allahu-Ackbar!’” he said.  “They threatened that they are going to kill all of us. But they seemed afraid to come in. 

They tried to enter my room and I caught the gun barrel. I went to take the gun and the man started firing. The students with me urged me to let go of the gun barrel. The men did not get in.

They continued to shout, ‘We shall kill all of you today. We shall kill all of you today!’ Then we prayed to God, our Lord Jesus. ‘It's because of your namesake that people are hating us. If it is your will for us to die, let your will be done. If it is not your will, we need your protection. Amen!’ And the perpetrators immediately went out. They took some chairs and some clothes and a small table. We looked around and were missing one person. We don't know if he is alive because these guys ran after him.”

I asked, “Do you mean Tada? He is here with me.”  

They were so excited. They continued praying and singing praising songs until the morning.

Please pray for the Church and especially for the students who are in the class. Most of them are very worried they are not able to concentrate. We read 1 Peter together and it has helped to know that these are the things that happen to followers of Christ.

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name.

1 Peter 4:12–16 ESV

The church is looking into some temporary security options as they assess the situation and suspects are apprehended.

*Names altered to protect the identity of those working in areas of increased persecution. 

This story was originally shared here.


Perceptions About Christianity


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